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Ontario issued 6,850 nominations for Canadian permanent residence in 2018

Ontario issued 6,850 nominations for Canadian Permanent Residence through  Ontario Immigration Nominee Program in 2018 with nearly half going to candidates in the federal Express Entry system.  The OINP met its full 2018 nomination allocation in early November. In December, the federal government granted Ontario an additional 250 nominations, which were allocated before year end. This brought the total number of nominations in 2018 to 6,850 principal applicants. Those applications included 6,721 spouses and dependents for a total of 13,571 new immigrants to Ontario. The Ontario Immigration Nominee Program (OINP) allows foreign workers, international students and others with the right skills, experience and education to apply for a nomination for permanent residence in Ontario.

In 2018, the OINP saw a high number of nominations in technology-related occupations. Approximately 25 per cent of all nominations were to individuals citing work experience or a job offer in a high-tech occupation, including software engineers and designers, computer programmers, interactive media developers, IT systems analysts and technology consultants. The program also surpassed its 5 per cent target for francophone immigration, reaching a program high of 7.7 per cent or 526 francophone nominees. Most applicants received nominations under the French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream and the Human Capital Priorities Stream. Nominees in 2018 came from 147 countries with applicants from India and China receiving the highest number of nominations.

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