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Latest EE draw invites 3,350 candidates to apply for Canadian permanent residence

A total of 3,350 candidates invited to apply for Canadian permanent residence in the Express Entry draw which took place on March 20, 2019. Minimum comprehensive ranking score (CRS) in this round of invitation is 452. Till date, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has issued a total of 21,200 Invitations to Apply (ITAs) in 2019 through the Express Entry system.

The Express Entry system manages the pool of candidates for Canada’s three federal economic immigration programs (Federal Skilled Worker Class, Federal Skilled Trades Class and Canadian Experience Class). Express Entry candidates are given a ranking score (comprehensive ranking score – CRS) based on various factors (e.g. age, education, work experience and proficiency in English or French). The CRS determines candidate’s position in the Express Entry (EE) pool. IRCC invites the highest-ranking candidates through regular draws from the Express Entry (EE) pool. Candidates are required to submit a complete Canadian permanent residency application online to IRCC within 60 days after receiving an invitation to apply (ITA).

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