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Family Members can now enter Canada- Justin Trudeau

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced today that immediate family members will be able to enter Canada effective June 9, 2020. Foreign nationals, irrespective of which country they are entering Canada from, are eligible to enter Canada if they are an immediate family member of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and do not have COVID-19 or exhibit any symptoms of the virus. However, their visit must be at least 15 days long and they must self-quarantine by law for 14 days upon entering Canada.

Immediate family is defined as:

Spouse or common-law partner ¦ Dependent children ¦ Parent or step-parent ¦ Guardian or tutor

The exemption does not apply to temporary residents in Canada. Only Canadian citizens and permanent residents can be reunited with family.

Immigration minister Marco Mendicino said that this new exemption for families was to bring families closer together, however the federal government would not allow short-term trips. This is meant to protect the health and safety of Canadians.

A Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident can sponsor

  • a spouse, common-law partner or Conjugal Partner for Canadian permanent residence under family class sponsorship program
  • their dependent and adopted children to join them in Canada
  • their parents and grandparents to Canada as a Permanent Residents under parent & grandparent sponsorship

A Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident can also invite parent and grandparent on Super Visa which allows the parents and grandparents of Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents to come to Canada as visitors. The super visa is a multiple-entry visa valid for 10 years.

Contact us for consultation and assistance!

Need help staying in Canada!

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to challenging times in Canada and around the world. Many people are under distress and anxiety. We understand! Can-X is here to help you figure it out, so you can have peace of mind. You could be an international student, worker, or visitor looking to extend your stay in Canada. You may be seeking a pathway to permanent immigration. Or you may be looking to reunite with a loved one. Whatever the reason, contact us to discuss your immigration needs, and we’ll provide our insights and help as much as we can during these difficult times.

We Care!

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