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Candidates with CRS score 350 gets NOIs from Alberta

Eligible candidates with a profile in the federal Express Entry system gets invitations or Notification of Interest (NOIs) by the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP).

150 NOIs issued from Alberta enables candidates with score of 350 to receive additional 600 points towards their CRS score, which in turn assures an invitation to apply for Canadian Permanent Residence in the upcoming draw.

Though candidates with the following conditions will get priority says AINP (Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program)

  • a job offer and/or work experience in Alberta;
  • a degree from a Canadian post-secondary institution and a valid job offer; or
  • a parent, child or sibling already living in Alberta.

The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) is an economic immigration program that nominates people for permanent residence in Alberta. Nominees must have skills and abilities to fill job shortages in Alberta, and be able to provide for their families. The program is run by both the Alberta government and the federal government. If a person is nominated through the program, they may apply for permanent residence status together with their spouse or common-law partner and dependent children. This application for permanent residence is managed by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. The federal government makes final decisions on these applications.

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