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Canada is extending the open work permit pilot program for spouse or common-law partner

Canadian Government is extending the open work permit pilot for spouses and common-law partners applying for permanent residence under the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class until the regulatory changes come into force to permanently implement this policy.

Support for families is a priority for the Government, and these measures ensure that applicants can work and contribute to the economy. The extension of these measures provides certainty and stability to spouses and common-law partners in Canada who are awaiting their permanent resident status.

The open work permits are limited to applicants living in Canada who have submitted an application under the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class, and who have temporary resident status or are eligible to restore their temporary resident status (as a visitor, student or worker) and live at the same address as their sponsor.

Open Work Permit Pilot is for inland spousal and common-law sponsorship applicants. Inland sponsorship is for couples who are already living together in Canada.


 Applicants should meet the following requirements: 

  • Permanent residence application should be submitted under the SCLPC class
  • The SCLPC class applicant should reside at the same address as the sponsor
  • The SCLPC class applicant should have valid temporary resident status (as a visitor, student, or worker), or should be eligible to restore their temporary resident status, and had submitted the restoration application with their application for permanent residence

 Who do not qualify for the open work permit pilot program? 

  • Applicants who have applied for permanent residence under the SCLPC class and have been refused or have withdrawn that application before submitting the open work permit pilot application
  • Applicants whose application for permanent residence is being processed under the spousal public policy on the basis that they do not have a valid temporary resident status (these applicants must wait until they receive approval in principle to be eligible to apply for an open work permit)
  • Applicants who have applied as members of the overseas family class, including those living in Canada
  • Applicants applying for the work permit pilot program at a port of entry

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